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Integrate our secured widgets

Leapa offers solutions to merchants who already have their business websites. Leapa provides smart widgets to integrate to your website to make it easy to capture customer information and payment methods while meeting and reinforcing security standards. Never worry about handling sensitive payment data as we encrypt and channel them to our secure servers from your customer's browser directly.

The leapa-customer widget

The leapa-customer widget allows you to safely capture customer's payment information by simply adding a few lines of code to your website.

This widget has two modes of operation, it’s a property that can be set to add to save customer’s identification and payment methods or set to charge to charge the customer’s card.

By default, these are the required attributes for each mode

Add mode:

  • Email
  • Card information (number, expiry date and cvc)
  • Name on card
  • Address

Charge mode:

  • Email
  • Card information (number, expiry date and cvc)
  • Name on card
  • Address
  • Amount
  • Currency
  • Description

Cardholder authentication using 3D Secure

Before we go into the details on how to use the widget, we would like to shed some light on the 3D secure(which is an additional layer of authentication used by merchants to ensure a purchase is from a legitimate cardholder).

Thanks to the increasing popularity of ecommerce platforms, many card transactions that previously would have occurred in person can now be made online. The resulting rise in card-not-present (CNP) payments offers greater convenience for those initiating the transaction and can require less from merchants, who no longer need to have a brick-and-mortar store or hire designated employees to accept payments. However, the downside to this digital modernization is that it makes instances of payment card fraud more prevalent and more difficult to stop.

To reduce the risk of fraud, identity theft, and other illegitimate practices associated with these types of payments, a growing number of online merchants worldwide use 3DS at checkout to match the identity of the shopper with the cardholder.

The additional 3D Secure step at checkout typically involves showing the cardholder an authentication page on their bank’s website, where they’re prompted to enter a verification code sent to their phone or email. This process is familiar to cardholders through the card networks’ brand names, such as Visa Secure and Mastercard Identity Check.

Example of a 3D Secure flow

Step 1: The customer enters their card details.

3DS flow step 1

Step 2: The customer’s bank assesses the request and can complete 3D Secure at this step.

3DS flow step 2

How to use the widget

1. Adding a customer

The company Alpha Solutions Inc. has a website and would like to collect its customers' information with a Leapa widget. The first step is to add the widget script tag in the header.

<script type="module" src="https://widgets.leapa.co/customer.js"></script>

The second step is to add the widget snippet itself on the page where you want it to be displayed.

<leapa-customer id="leapa" key="eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImRlZmF1bHRBY2..." mode="add" first-name="true" last-name="true" tos="true" badge="light" > </leapa-customer>

As you can see in this example, the following attributes were set:

  • An API key is generated from your Leapa account settings. Make sure to use the right key for the right currency account
  • The mode is set to add if you would like to only add customers in your Leapa account and charge them later
  • First and last names are set true to display the corresponding fields on the form
  • TOS is set to true to display the terms of service checkbox
  • A badge is set to light to display the Leapa badge on the widget.

Note that If you need to use multiple widgets on the same page, you have to set different values for the id for each widget; in this example we set the id as leapa.

The widget UI can be customized for instance by changing the text or color of labels and buttons. Refer to the attributes table for details. You can set attributes values depending on your needs.

The following screenshot is a result of what is set on figure above.

Add mode

2. Charge a customer

If you want to capture a customer’s payment directly, you need to set the mode to charge. In addition to the required attributes in add mode, you will need to also set the amount, currency and description of the charge. All other attributes are optional.

<leapa-customer id="leapa-charge" key="eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJtb2RlIjoidGVzdCIsImRlZmF1bHRBY2..." mode="charge" amount="1000" currency="USD" description="Test payment description" tos="true" > </leapa-customer>

Here is how the widget renders in charge mode give the attributes set on figure above:

Charge mode

3. Event listening

You will need to add an event listener to handle responses from the widget. As shown in the snippet below, the events are available in two states: onSuccess is fired in case of successful response and onFailure in case of a processing failure.

Here is a code sample of the event listener:

<script> document.getElementById("leapa").addEventListener("onSuccess", (e) => { // event listener for when action is successful console.log(e); }); document.getElementById("leapa").addEventListener("onFailure", (e) => { // event listener for when action fails console.log(e); }); </script>

This gives you control on the operations to perform based on events responses. If for example the operation of adding a customer succeeds (onSuccess), you can retrieve the customer ID created, save it in your database and later use it to create a charge request through the API.

Another common use case would be to hide the widget and show a success or failure message on your website when the widget operation is completed or redirect the user to a different web page or application screen.

Event listener responses

Add mode: when the form is submitted, the widget returns a CustomEvent object in the response, which is structured like below:

{ isTrusted: false bubbles: true cancelBubble: false cancelable: false composed: false currentTarget: null defaultPrevented: false detail: {customer: {}, source: {}} eventPhase: 0 path: (5) [leapa-customer#leapa, body, html, document, Window] returnValue: true srcElement: leapa-customer#leapa target: leapa-customer#leapa timeStamp: 343869.19999999925 type: "onSuccess" }

and if it's a successful response, a customer and source objects will be included in the detail field. Take a look at the highlighted line on the above code snippet for reference.

The customer and source objects, are the same as the ones returned in the response of a POST request to the /v1/customers endpoint of the API, they are structured like below:

{ // customer object address: {object: 'Address', city: 'Bujumbura',} birth_date: "2010-10-20" email: "customer@email.com" first_name: "Tresor" id: "616820c258284cbbb87abe6fd9b9bd5a" is_live: false last_name: "Muco" merchant_id: "99035d7b1bc644bbac854d72dc1ff73f" merchant_name: "Tenscores" mobile: "69151210" object: "Customer" referenceId: null sources: null status: "active" }
{ // source object address: {object: 'Address', city: 'Bujumbura',} brand: "visa" card_holder_name: "Muco Tresor" currency: "USD" customer_id: "616820c258284cbbb87abe6fd9b9bd5a" cvc_check: "unchecked" exp_month: "03" exp_year: "2023" fingerprint: "7010000000076961111" holder_type: "individual" id: "2c72e224e39144598d7e8293dc7c09a1" is_default: true last_four: "1111" object: "account" statement_descriptor: "TENSCORES" status: "created" token: null }

Status codes of expected responses are:

  • 201 - Created
  • 401 - Unauthorized
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

For more details on the responses , please refer to our API documentation on creating a customer.

Charge mode: when the form is submitted, the widget returns a CustomEvent object in the response, which is structured like below:

{ isTrusted: false bubbles: true cancelBubble: false cancelable: false composed: false currentTarget: null defaultPrevented: false detail: {charge: {}} eventPhase: 0 path: (5) [leapa-customer#leapa, body, html, document, Window] returnValue: true srcElement: leapa-customer#leapa target: leapa-customer#leapa timeStamp: 60454.300000000745 type: "onSuccess" }

and if it's a successful response, an invoice object will be included in the detail field. Take a look at the highlighted line on the above code snippet for reference.

The invoice object is the same as the object returned in the response of a POST request to the /v1/invoices endpoint of the API, it is structured like below:

{ "amount": 0, "amount_due": 0, "attempted": 0 "charge": {...} "currency": "BIF", "customer": {...}, "description": "string", "due_date": 0, "id": "string", "isAutomatic": true, "is_live": false, "is_manual_payment": false, "issue_date": 0, "merchant": {...}, "number": "string", "object": "string", "pdf_url": "string", "products": [...], "reference_id": "string", "source_id": "string", "statement_descriptor": "string", "status": "draft", "url": "string" }

Status codes of expected responses are:

  • 201 - Created
  • 401 - Unauthorized
  • 403 - Forbidden
  • 404 - Not found

For more details on the responses returned by the charge mode, please refer to the API documentation.

Handle failed charges

If you are using the widget in charge mode and let's say for example a customer is trying to make a payment with a card that has an insufficient amount. The charge will fail and you need to let him know what's wrong with his card.

In the event listening section, we have seen that the events are available in two states: onSuccess and onFailure. We return information about the reason why a charge has failed in the response of the event listener that has the onSuccess state.

To get that information, you will need to look for two fields:

  • failure_code: a constant code for the reference of the failed charge
  • failure_message: a description of the failure code

You can find them in the charge object, which you can see in the detail object returned in the CustomEvent object. Take a look at the highlighted lines on the below code snippet for reference.

// CustomEvent object { isTrusted: false bubbles: true cancelBubble: false cancelable: false composed: false currentTarget: null defaultPrevented: false detail: { charge: { failure_code: "INSUFFICIENT_FUND", failure_message: "Decline - Insufficient funds in the account.", ... } } eventPhase: 0 path: (5) [leapa-customer#leapa, body, html, document, Window] returnValue: true srcElement: leapa-customer#leapa target: leapa-customer#leapa timeStamp: 343869.19999999925 type: "onSuccess" }

Common failures

Failure codeFailure message
INVALID_ACCOUNTDecline - Invalid account number
PROCESSOR_DECLINEDDecline - General decline of the card. No other information provided by issuing bank.
INSUFFICIENT_FUNDDecline - Insufficient funds in the account.
UNAUTHORIZED_CARDDecline - Inactive card or card not authorized for card-not-present transactions.
INVALID_CVNDecline - Invalid Card Verification Number (CVN).
CONSUMER_AUTHENTICATION_FAILEDEncountered a Payer Authentication problem. Payer could not be authenticated.


Let's handle and alert a message if, for example, a user has entered the wrong CVN of his card.

Start by querying the Leapa widget element by the ID you specified and attach it to the onSuccess event.

<script> const leapaWidget = document.getElementById("leapa"); leapaWidget.addEventListener("onSuccess", (event) => { // code to handle failed payment }); </script>

And then add the logic to handle the failed payment in the event callback function.

<script> const leapaWidget = document.getElementById("leapa"); leapaWidget.addEventListener("onSuccess", (event) => { const charge = event.detail.charge; if (charge.failure_code === "INVALID_CVN") { alert("You have entered the wrong CVN."); } }); </script>

As you can see in the highlighted code above, we started by grabbing the charge object returned in the event. Then we check what is the failure code and give back to the user a friendly message.

Here we are using the alert function but you can also raise a beautiful toast notification.

Widget properties

The following list is a set of configurable properties to tune the component.

A dynamic property has a text input field associated with it and accepts non-boolean values in the widget code snippet. If the property value is different than true or false, then the associated text input field becomes hidden on the widget UI.

Name on cardNo
First NameNo
Last NameNo
Phone NumberNo
Address Line 1No
Address Line 2No
Zip CodeNo
Date of birthNo
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